Aisyah Kamilah, Hulu Langat

wallah!!!! after a looooong break, i'm back! hello fella!

My recent job this month, was at Hulu Langat. 1st time ever since i started this makeup job, i have to go there by myself. My hubby got another photoshoot job at Muar, and he left me 'terkontang-kanting' here. lucky me, my brother was not working on that particular day, so i 'paksa' him to be a driver on that day! and, guest what, kami sesat kat jalan ampang!!!! phew! funny!

The event took place on 2 day, saturday for nikah, and sunday for her reception. Alhamdulillah, everything goes well, even though we 'sesat-barat', we still got there on time...:)

aisyah, before makeup

aisyah, after makeup and ready for her nikah session

and on the next day, her reception took place

before makeup

she's ready.
dress and accessories are from rumah kebaya. nice isn't it?


  1. my friend..
    nak tanye, if nak make-up for photo shoot berapa ek?

  2. i pinjam gambar u n link u back :) thanks..

  3. next entry yer..i buat scheduled entry..esok baru published
